17154 выборка по колву строк
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,11 +77,16 @@
В запросе возможно настроить цветовое отображение полей документов в зависимости от условий. Для этого в запросе необходимо указать поле "Colors" и заполнить его одним из следующих значений: `1 - colors.gray 2 - colors.orange 3 - colors.yellow 4 - colors.green 5 - colors.blue 6 - colors.indigo 7 -colors.violet`. Например в запросе: **Все документы** данное значение указано в конце запроса: `(select top 1 wr."VCode" from "RP_Worker" wr join "RP_PersonContact" pc on wr."IdPerson"= pc."Pcode" and pc."IdTypeContact" = 6 and pc."Code" = t."StageUser" where wr."COrg" = 4 order by wr."DateBeg" ) as "AnyColumnO"
В запросе возможно настроить цветовое отображение полей документов в зависимости от условий. Для этого в запросе необходимо указать поле "Colors" и заполнить его одним из следующих значений: `1 - colors.gray 2 - colors.orange 3 - colors.yellow 4 - colors.green 5 - colors.blue 6 - colors.indigo 7 -colors.violet`. Например в запросе: **Все документы** данное значение указано в конце запроса: `(select top 1 wr."VCode" from "RP_Worker" wr join "RP_PersonContact" pc on wr."IdPerson"= pc."Pcode" and pc."IdTypeContact" = 6 and pc."Code" = t."StageUser" where wr."COrg" = 4 order by wr."DateBeg" ) as "AnyColumnO"
, 2`, где цифра 2 цвет
, 2`, где цифра 2 цвет
!!! note
Для того чтобы запрос фильтровался по заданному количеству документов, которое указывается в поле **Кол-во строк/Период (с/по):** необзодимо в конце запроса добавить строку `_topcount` , например: ```left join "tmp_workers_for_documentStatusJournalProc" w2 on w2."VCode" = t."IdWorker" _topcount;```
Примеры запросов:
### Примеры запросов:
**Просроченные документы** - в реестре отображаются документы, по которым были нарушены сроки обработки:
**Просроченные документы** - в реестре отображаются документы, по которым были нарушены сроки обработки:
Основной запрос:
Итоговая выборка:
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
@ -117,6 +122,9 @@ coalesce(dd."expired", 0) <> 0 ;
**Зависшие документы у инициатора** - в реестре отображаются документы, которые были инициированы сотрудником, но не запущены далее по маршруту согласования.
**Зависшие документы у инициатора** - в реестре отображаются документы, которые были инициированы сотрудником, но не запущены далее по маршруту согласования.
Основной запрос:
Итоговая выборка:
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
@ -141,6 +149,9 @@ insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeNa
**Поступят к hr в ближайшее время** - в реестре отображаются документы, которые в данный момент находятся на стадии согласования у руководителя сотрудника, и после этого поступят в HR службу.
**Поступят к hr в ближайшее время** - в реестре отображаются документы, которые в данный момент находятся на стадии согласования у руководителя сотрудника, и после этого поступят в HR службу.
Основной запрос:
Итоговая выборка:
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
@ -174,6 +185,9 @@ insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeNa
**Сейчас в работе у hr** - в реестре отображаются документы, которые в данный момент находятся в HR службе в работе
**Сейчас в работе у hr** - в реестре отображаются документы, которые в данный момент находятся в HR службе в работе
Основной запрос:
Итоговая выборка:
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
@ -200,6 +214,9 @@ insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeNa
**Обработано службой HR сегодня** - в реестре отображаются документы, которые были обработаны сегодня службой HR сегодня.
**Обработано службой HR сегодня** - в реестре отображаются документы, которые были обработаны сегодня службой HR сегодня.
Основной запрос:
Итоговая выборка:
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
@ -227,138 +244,584 @@ insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeNa
**Все документы**
**Все документы**
Основной запрос:
insert into #tmp_finresult( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
do $myQ$
declare _str text;
_str := 'INSERT INTO "tmp_calcWithBaseParams_for_documentStatusJournalProc"(
"DocCode", "DocType", "DocForm", "DocTypeName", "SettingsId", "orgId", "DocumentDate", "DocumentNumber",
"VirtualCUser", "DateOfExecution", "DateControl","DocumentSubtype", "Department",
"IdWorker", "DocumentCategory"
SELECT distinct e."VCode" AS "DocCode", s."DocType", s."DocForm", s."DocName" AS "DocTypeName", s."VCode" AS "SettingsId", e."COrg" AS "orgId", e."DocumentDate", e."DocumentNumber"
, e."VirtualCUser", e."DateOfExecution", e."DateControl", e."DocumentSubtype", e."Department",
e."IdWorker", (select u."DocumentCategory" from dfd."UniversalDocument" u where u."VCode" = e."VCode") /*u."DocumentCategory"*/
FROM comdoc."DocflowExists" AS e
JOIN comdoc."DocflowDocumentSettings" AS s ON s."DocType" = e."TypeName"
-- left join dfd."UniversalDocument" u on u."VCode" = e."VCode"
WHERE 1 = 1 '
|| case when coalesce("orgParam",-1111)=-1111 then '' else ' and e."COrg" = '||_orgid::text end
|| case when EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM "tmp_docTypes_for_documentStatusJournalProc" t) then '
SELECT 1 FROM "tmp_docTypes_for_documentStatusJournalProc" AS t WHERE t."DocType" = e."TypeName"
)' else '' end
|| case when exists(select 1 from "tmp_docSubTypes_for_documentStatusJournalProc" ) then '
SELECT 1 FROM "tmp_docSubTypes_for_documentStatusJournalProc" AS t WHERE comdoc.try_cast_bigint(t."DocSubType") = e."DocumentSubtype"
) ' else '' end||'
and coalesce( e."DocumentDate",'''||_bdate||''') between '''||_bdate||''' and '''||_edate||'''
and e."TypeName" not in (''ServiceDesk'');' ;
-- }} Выборка по основным атрибутам документа
execute _str;
Итоговая выборка:
IF NOT comdoc."isTableExists"('tmp_addAtribute_for_documentStatusJournalProc', 'temp') THEN
CREATE TEMP TABLE "tmp_addAtribute_for_documentStatusJournalProc"(
"PCode" bigint NOT NULL,
worker bigint,
bdate text,
edate text,
kolvo text,
other text,
/* bdate_new1 text,
edate_new1 text,
kolvo_new1 text,
bdate_new2 text,
edate_new2 text,
kolvo_new2 text,*/
TypeName varchar(255)
end if;
IF NOT comdoc."isTableExists"('tmp_workers_for_documentStatusJournalProc', 'temp') THEN
CREATE TEMP TABLE "tmp_workers_for_documentStatusJournalProc"(
"VCode" bigint NOT NULL,
"Login" varchar(255),
"NumTab" varchar(255),
"NameFull" varchar(255)
end if;
insert into "tmp_addAtribute_for_documentStatusJournalProc"
select daa1."PCode", max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#Worker#' then daa1."BigIntValue" end) as Worker,
max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#bdate#' then to_char(daa1."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY') end) as bdate,
max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#edate#' then to_char(daa1."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY') end) as edate,
max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#kolvo#' then daa1."BigIntValue"::text end) as kolvo,
string_agg(case when bd."ColumnName" not in ('#bdate#', '#edate#', '#kolvo#','#bdate_new1#', '#edate_new1#', '#kolvo_new1#') then bd."Name" || ':' || (case
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'string' and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') <> '' then daa1."Value"
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'string' and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'bigint' and daa1."BigIntValue" is not null then cast(daa1."BigIntValue" as varchar(255))
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'bigint' and daa1."BigIntValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'string' and daa1."BigIntValue" is not null then cast(daa1."BigIntValue" as varchar(255))
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'string' and daa1."BigIntValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Unispr' and daa1."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Unispr' and daa1."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(daa1."Value",' ')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Post' and daa1."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Post' and daa1."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(daa1."Value",' ')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.RP_Worker' and daa1."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.RP_Worker' and daa1."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(daa1."Value",' ')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Contract' and daa1."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Contract' and daa1."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(daa1."Value",' ')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Contractor' and daa1."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Contractor' and daa1."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(daa1."Value",' ')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Department' and daa1."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Department' and daa1."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(daa1."Value",' ')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'money' and daa1."MoneyValue" is not null then cast(daa1."MoneyValue" as varchar(255))
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'money' and daa1."MoneyValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Date' and daa1."DateValue" is not null then to_char(daa1."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'Date' and daa1."DateValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'DateTime' and daa1."DateTimeValue" is not null then to_char(daa1."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'DateTime' and daa1."DateTimeValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'double' and daa1."DoubleValue" is not null then cast(daa1."DoubleValue" as varchar(255))
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'double' and daa1."DoubleValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'ServiceWord' and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(daa1."Value",' ')
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'ServiceWord' and coalesce(daa1."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'bool' and coalesce(daa1."BigIntValue"::integer,0) = 0 then substring(coalesce(daa1."Value",'|'), position('|' in coalesce(daa1."Value",'|'))+1,char_length(coalesce(daa1."Value",'|')))
when coalesce(bd."AttributeType",'') = 'bool' and coalesce(daa1."BigIntValue"::integer,0) = 1 then substring(coalesce(daa1."Value",'|'),0, position('|' in coalesce(daa1."Value",'|')))
end) end , '; ') as other,
/*max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#bdate_new1#' then to_char(daa1."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY') end) as bdate_new1,
max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#edate_new1#' then to_char(daa1."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY') end) as edate_new1,
max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#kolvo_new1#' then daa1."BigIntValue"::text end) as kolvo_new1,
max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#bdate_new2#' then to_char(daa1."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY') end) as bdate_new2,
max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#edate_new2#' then to_char(daa1."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY') end) as edate_new2,
max(case when bd."ColumnName" = '#kolvo_new2#' then daa1."BigIntValue"::text end) as kolvo_new2,*/
max(a."DocType") as TypeName
from dfd."DocumentAdditionalAttribute" daa1
join dfd."DocumentCategoryAttributeType" bd on daa1."CategoryAttributeType" = bd."VCode"
join "tmp_calcWithBaseParams_for_documentStatusJournalProc_distinctVC" a on daa1."PCode" = a."DocCode"
where a."DocType" in ('DocumentForSigining','UniversalDocument', 'EmployeeStatement')
group by daa1."PCode";
insert into "tmp_workers_for_documentStatusJournalProc"
select w."VCode", max(pc."Code") as "Login", max(w."NumTab") as "NumTab", max(w."NameFull") as "NameFull"
from rp."RP_Worker" w
left join rp."RP_PersonContact" AS pc on pc."Pcode" = w."IdPerson" AND pc."IdTypeContact" = 6
left join rp."RP_WorkerMove" mov on mov."IdWorker" = w."VCode"
group by w."VCode" ;
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode", "DocType", "DocForm", "DocTypeName", "SettingsId"
, "orgId", "DocumentDate", "DocumentNumber", "VirtualCUser", "DateOfExecution"
, "DateControl", "RouteVCode", "RouteStatusId", "RouteStatusName", "DocName"
, "DocSubject", "expired", "StageNumber", "BeginDate", "ActionDate"
, "DocumentAction", "DocumentStatus", "FromMessage", "eDate"
, "StageUser", "StageItemStatus", "StageStatus", "StageItemAction", "IsMarked", "DocumentSubtype"
, "AnyColumnA", "AnyColumnB", "AnyColumnC", "AnyColumnD", "AnyColumnE"
, "AnyColumnF", "AnyColumnG" , "AnyColumnH", "AnyColumnI", "AnyColumnJ"
, "AnyColumnK", "AnyColumnL", "AnyColumnM", "AnyColumnN", "EmailRecipient", "AnyColumnO", "Colors")
select t."DocCode", t."DocType", t."DocForm", t."DocTypeName", t."SettingsId"
, t."orgId" , t."DocumentDate" , t."DocumentNumber",
(case when t."DocType" in ('UniversalDocument','DocumentForSigning') then w."Login" else t."VirtualCUser" end) ,
, t."DateControl", t."RouteVCode", t."RouteStatusId", t."RouteStatusName", t."DocName"
, t."DocSubject", null/* coalesce(t."expired", case when coalesce(t."eDate", t."ActionDate", _now)<COALESCE(t."ActionDate", _now) then comdoc."dfwcGetDuration"(
t."eDate", COALESCE(t."ActionDate", _now), false, t."orgId", 1, _dayoff1, _dayoff2, null) end) */
, null/* t."StageNumber" */, null/*t."BeginDate" */, null/*t."ActionDate" */
, null/* t."DocumentAction"*/ , null/*t."DocumentStatus" */, null /*t."FromMessage" */, null /*t."eDate"*/
, null /*t."StageUser" */, null /*t."StageItemStatus"*/, null/*t."StageStatus" */, null/*t."StageItemAction"*/, t."IsMarked", t."DocumentSubtype"
, t."AnyColumnA", null as "AnyColumnB", null as "AnyColumnC", null as "AnyColumnD" , t."AnyColumnE"
, addit.bdate as "AnyColumnF", addit.edate as "AnyColumnG", addit.kolvo as "AnyColumnH", addit.other as "AnyColumnI", null/*sii."Name"*/ as "AnyColumnJ",
case when coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) = 2
and exists (select 1 from comdoc."RouteStage" rs where rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode" and rs."StageNumber" = 1 and rs."Status" = 2 ) then 'Не запущен'
when coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) = 2 and t."StageItemStatus"= 2 and t."StageNumber" > 1
and exists (select 1 from comdoc."RouteStage" rs where rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode" and rs."IsMarked" is not true and rs."StageName" in ( 'Исполнить')
and rs."Status"=1) then 'На согласовании / на согл у рук-ля'
when coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) = 3
and not exists (select 1 from comdoc."RouteStage" rs
join comdoc."StageItem" si on rs."VCode" = si."PCode"
where rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode" and si."DocumentStatus" in (19,23)) then 'Завершен'
when coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) = 3
and exists (select 1 from comdoc."RouteStage" rs
join comdoc."StageItem" si on rs."VCode" = si."PCode"
where rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode" and si."DocumentStatus" in (19,23)) then 'Отклонен' end as "AnyColumnK"
, ( SELECT DISTINCT string_agg(u."Initials"|| '(' || ds."Name"|| ')' , '; ') AS "x"
FROM comdoc."RouteStage" as rs
join comdoc."StageItem" AS i on i."PCode" = rs."VCode"
join comdoc."VUserMeta" AS u ON u."VCode" = i."StageUser"
join comdoc."DocumentStatus" AS ds ON ds."VCode" = i."DocumentStatus"
WHERE rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode" AND i."StageItemStatus" = 3 and coalesce(i."DocumentStatus",0) <> 0) as "AnyColumnL"
, case when t."DocType" in ('UniversalDocument','DocumentForSigning') then w."NumTab" else w2."NumTab" end as "AnyColumnM"
, case when t."DocType" in ('UniversalDocument','DocumentForSigning') then w."NameFull" else w2."NameFull" end as "AnyColumnN"
, (select wr."VCode" from rp."RP_Worker" wr join rp."RP_PersonContact" pc on wr."IdPerson"= pc."Pcode" and pc."IdTypeContact" = 6 and pc."Code" = t."StageUser" where wr."COrg" = 1 order by wr."DateBeg" limit 1) as "EmailRecipient"
, (select wr."VCode" from rp."RP_Worker" wr join rp."RP_PersonContact" pc on wr."IdPerson"= pc."Pcode" and pc."IdTypeContact" = 6 and pc."Code" = t."StageUser" where wr."COrg" = 1 order by wr."DateBeg" limit 1) as "AnyColumnO"
, 3
from "tmp_preresult" t
left join "tmp_addAtribute_for_documentStatusJournalProc" addit on addit."PCode" = t."DocCode" --and addit.TypeName = "DocType"
left join "tmp_workers_for_documentStatusJournalProc" w on w."VCode" = addit.worker
left join "tmp_workers_for_documentStatusJournalProc" w2 on w2."VCode" = t."IdWorker"
drop table "tmp_addAtribute_for_documentStatusJournalProc";
drop table "tmp_workers_for_documentStatusJournalProc";
**Документы на подписание, просроченные работниками**
Основной запрос:
Итоговая выборка:
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
, "DateControl" , "RouteVCode" , "RouteStatusId" , "RouteStatusName" , "DocName"
, "DateControl" , "RouteVCode" , "RouteStatusId" , "RouteStatusName" , "DocName"
, "DocSubject" , "expired" , "StageNumber" , "BeginDate" , "ActionDate"
, "DocSubject" , "expired" , "StageNumber" , "BeginDate" , "ActionDate"
, "DocumentAction" , "DocumentStatus" , "FromMessage" , "eDate"
, "DocumentAction" , "DocumentStatus" , "FromMessage" , "eDate", "Department"
, "StageUser" , "StageItemStatus" , "StageStatus" , "StageItemAction" , "IsMarked", "DocumentSubtype" , "AnyColumnA" , "AnyColumnB" , "AnyColumnC" , "AnyColumnD" , "AnyColumnE",
, "StageUser" , "StageItemStatus" , "StageStatus" , "StageItemAction" , "DocumentSubtype" ,
"AnyColumnF", "AnyColumnG" , "AnyColumnH" , "AnyColumnI", "AnyColumnJ", "AnyColumnK","AnyColumnL", "AnyColumnM","AnyColumnN", "EmailRecipient","AnyColumnO", "Colors")
"AnyColumnA" , "AnyColumnB" , "AnyColumnC" , "AnyColumnD" , "AnyColumnE" )
select t."DocCode" , t."DocType" , t."DocForm" , t."DocTypeName" , t."SettingsId"
select t."DocCode" , t."DocType" , t."DocForm" , t."DocTypeName" , t."SettingsId"
, t."orgId" , t."DocumentDate" , t."DocumentNumber" ,
, t."orgId" , t."DocumentDate" , t."DocumentNumber" , t."VirtualCUser" , t."DateOfExecution"
(case when t."DocType" in ('UniversalDocument','DocumentForSigning') then (select top 1 pc."Code" from "DocumentCategoryAttributeType" bd
, t."DateControl" , t."RouteVCode" , t."RouteStatusId" , t."RouteStatusName" , t."DocName"
join "DocumentAdditionalAttribute" daa1 on t."DocCode" = daa1."PCode" and daa1."CategoryAttributeType" = bd."VCode" and bd."ColumnName" = '#Worker#'
, t."DocSubject" ,
join "RP_Worker" w on w."VCode" = daa1."BigIntValue"
comdoc."dfwcGetDuration"(t."eDate", COALESCE(t."ActionDate", _now), false, t."orgId", 1, _dayoff1, _dayoff2, null) ,
join "RP_PersonContact" AS pc ON pc."Pcode" = w."IdPerson" AND pc."IdTypeContact" = 6
t."StageNumber" , t."BeginDate" , t."ActionDate"
where t."DocumentCategory" = bd."PCode")
, t."DocumentAction" , t."DocumentStatus" , t."FromMessage" , t."eDate", t."Department"
else t."VirtualCUser" end) ,
, t."StageUser" , t."StageItemStatus" , t."StageStatus" , t."StageItemAction", t."DocumentSubtype",
null/*t."DateOfExecution"*/ , t."DateControl" , t."RouteVCode" , t."RouteStatusId" , t."RouteStatusName" , t."DocName"
t."DocTypeName" as "AnyColumnA" ,
, t."DocSubject" ,
p."Family" || ' '|| p."Name" || ' '|| p."Father" as "AnyColumnB" ,
null/* comdoc."dfwcGetDuration"(
t."DocCode" as "AnyColumnC", t."AnyColumnD" , t."AnyColumnE"
t."eDate", COALESCE(t."ActionDate", _now), false, t."orgId", 1, _dayoff1, _dayoff2, null
from "tmp_preresult" t
) */
inner join comdoc."Route" r on t."RouteVCode" = r."VCode"
, null/* t."StageNumber" */ , null/*t."BeginDate" */ , null/*t."ActionDate" */
inner join comdoc."RouteStage" rs on r."VCode" = rs."PCode" and t."StageNumber"= rs."StageNumber"
,null/* t."DocumentAction"*/ , null/*t."DocumentStatus" */ , null /*t."FromMessage" */ , null /*t."eDate"*/
left join rp."RP_PersonContact" pc on pc."Code" = t."StageUser" and pc."IdTypeContact" = 6
, null /*t."StageUser" */ , null /*t."StageItemStatus"*/ , null/*t."StageStatus" */ , null/*t."StageItemAction"*/, t."IsMarked", t."DocumentSubtype" , t."AnyColumnA" ,
left join rp."RP_Person" p on pc."Pcode" = p."VCode"
null as "AnyColumnB" ,
where coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) in (2) and t."StageItemStatus"= 2 and t."IsMarked" is not true
null as "AnyColumnC",
and rs."StageName" ilike '%работник%'
null as "AnyColumnD" , t."AnyColumnE" ,
and coalesce(t."ActionDate",t."DocumentDate") BETWEEN _bdate AND _edate
(select top 1 convert(varchar,daa1."DateValue",104) from "DocumentCategoryAttributeType" bd
join "DocumentAdditionalAttribute" daa1 on t."DocCode" = daa1."PCode" and daa1."CategoryAttributeType" = bd."VCode" and bd."ColumnName" = '#bdate#' where t."DocumentCategory" = bd."PCode" ) as "AnyColumnF" ,
(select top 1 convert(varchar,daa1."DateValue",104) from "DocumentCategoryAttributeType" bd
join "DocumentAdditionalAttribute" daa1 on t."DocCode" = daa1."PCode" and daa1."CategoryAttributeType" = bd."VCode" and bd."ColumnName" = '#edate#' where t."DocumentCategory" = bd."PCode") as "AnyColumnG" ,
(select top 1 daa1."BigIntValue" from "DocumentCategoryAttributeType" bd
join "DocumentAdditionalAttribute" daa1 on t."DocCode" = daa1."PCode" and daa1."CategoryAttributeType" = bd."VCode" and bd."ColumnName" ='#kolvo#' where t."DocumentCategory" = bd."PCode") as "AnyColumnH",
/* (select string_agg(dca."Name" || ':' || (case
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'string' and coalesce(atr."Value",'') <> '' then atr."Value"
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'string' and coalesce(atr."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'bigint' and atr."BigIntValue" is not null then cast(atr."BigIntValue" as varchar(255))
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'bigint' and atr."BigIntValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'string' and atr."BigIntValue" is not null then cast(atr."BigIntValue" as varchar(255))
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'string' and atr."BigIntValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Unispr' and atr."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') = '' then ' '
**Договоры и доп. соглашения**
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Unispr' and atr."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(atr."Value",' ')
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Post' and atr."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') = '' then ' '
Основной запрос:
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Post' and atr."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(atr."Value",' ')
do $newQ$
declare _str text;
_str := '
INSERT INTO "tmp_calcWithBaseParams_for_documentStatusJournalProc"(
"DocCode", "DocType", "DocForm", "DocTypeName", "SettingsId", "orgId", "DocumentDate", "DocumentNumber",
"VirtualCUser", "Department", "IdWorker"
SELECT e."VCode" AS "DocCode", s."DocType", s."DocForm", s."DocName" AS "DocTypeName", s."VCode" AS "SettingsId", e."COrg" AS "orgId", e."DateContract", e."VhodNumber"
, e."CUser", e."CuratorDepartmentSpr", e."Manager"
FROM contract."Contract" AS e
JOIN comdoc."DocflowDocumentSettings" AS s ON s."DocType" = e."TypeName"
WHERE 1 = 1
'||case when coalesce("orgParam",-1111)=-1111 then '' else ' and e."COrg" = '||_orgid::text end ||'
and EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "tmp_docTypes_for_documentStatusJournalProc" AS t WHERE t."DocType" = e."TypeName" )
'|| case when _contractor is null then '' else ' and e."Contractor" = '||_contractor::text end
|| case when _contract is null then '' else ' and e."VCode" = '||_contract::text end
|| case when _manager is null then '' else ' and e."Manager" = '||_manager::text end
|| ' and e."DateContract" between '_bdate' and '_edate'
union all
SELECT e."VCode" AS "DocCode", s."DocType", s."DocForm", s."DocName" AS "DocTypeName", s."VCode" AS "SettingsId", e."COrg" AS "orgId", e."DateContract", e."Number"
, e."CUser", e."CuratorDepartmentSpr", e."Manager"
FROM contract."AdditionalContract" AS e
JOIN comdoc."DocflowDocumentSettings" AS s ON s."DocType" = e."TypeName"
WHERE 1= 1
'||case when coalesce("orgParam",-1111)=-1111 then '' else ' and e."COrg" = '||_orgid::text end ||'
and EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "tmp_docTypes_for_documentStatusJournalProc" AS t WHERE t."DocType" = e."TypeName" )
'|| case when _contractor is null then '' else ' and e."Contractor" = '||_contractor::text end
|| case when _contract is null then '' else ' and e."Contract" = '||_contract::text end
|| case when _addcontract is null then '' else ' and e."VCode" = '||_addcontract::text end
|| case when _manager is null then '' else ' and e."Manager" = '||_manager::text end
|| ' and e."DateContract" between '_bdate' and '_edate';';
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.RP_Worker' and atr."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') = '' then ' '
execute (_str);
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.RP_Worker' and atr."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(atr."Value",' ')
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Contract' and atr."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') = '' then ' '
Итоговая выборка:
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Contract' and atr."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(atr."Value",' ')
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Contractor' and atr."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Contractor' and atr."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(atr."Value",' ')
--CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "idx_tr1_tmp_CategoryAttributeType" ON "tmp_CategoryAttributeType"("PCode" );
if not comdoc."isTableExists"('tmp_UserRole','temp') then
create temp table "tmp_UserRole" (
"login" character varying(255), "Role" character varying(255)
--on commit drop
end if;
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Department' and atr."BigIntValue" is null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') = '' then ' '
insert into "tmp_UserRole" ("login", "Role")
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Base.Department' and atr."BigIntValue" is not null and coalesce(atr."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(atr."Value",' ')
select distinct au."UserName" as login,"Role"
FROM lex."UserMeta" au
JOIN lex."OrganizationUser" ou ON au."Id" = ou."User"
left join lex."OrganizationUserRole" ur on ou."Id" = ur."OrganizationUser"
where "Role" in ('bh_purchasing_department', 'bh_legal_department', 'bh_contract_administrator', 'bh_financial_services')
or "Role" like '%ddc%'
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'money' and atr."MoneyValue" is not null then cast(atr."MoneyValue" as varchar(255))
if not comdoc."isTableExists"('tmp_CuserChief','temp') then
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'money' and atr."MoneyValue" is null then ' '
create temp table "tmp_CuserChief" (
"VirtualCUser" character varying(255), "chief" character varying(255)
--on commit drop
end if;
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Date' and atr."DateValue" is not null then to_char(atr."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY')
insert into "tmp_CuserChief" ("VirtualCUser","chief")
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'Date' and atr."DateValue" is null then ' '
select "VirtualCUser", chief."chief"
from (select distinct t."DocCode",t."DocType" , t."orgId", t."VirtualCUser" from "tmp_preresult" t where t."DocType" in ('Base.Contract','Base.AdditionalContract')) t
left join lateral comdoc."getProjectTemplateMember"(t."DocCode",t."DocType" , t."orgId", t."VirtualCUser", 'Service.Chief') chief on true
if not comdoc."isTableExists"('tmp_ExpiredRole','temp') then
create temp table "tmp_ExpiredRole" (
"DocCode" bigint, "Role" character varying(255), "maxexpired" int
--on commit drop
end if;
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'DateTime' and atr."DateTimeValue" is not null then to_char(atr."DateValue", 'DD.MM.YYYY')
insert into "tmp_ExpiredRole" ("DocCode","Role", "maxexpired")
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'DateTime' and atr."DateTimeValue" is null then ' '
select a."DocCode", a."Role", max(a."expired") as "maxexpired"
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'double' and atr."DoubleValue" is not null then cast(atr."DoubleValue" as varchar(255))
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'double' and atr."DoubleValue" is null then ' '
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'ServiceWord' and coalesce(atr."Value",'') <> '' then coalesce(atr."Value",' ')
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'ServiceWord' and coalesce(atr."Value",'') = '' then ' '
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'bool' and coalesce("BigIntValue"::integer,0) = 0 then substring(coalesce("Value",'|'), position('|' in coalesce("Value",'|'))+1,char_length(coalesce("Value",'|')))
when coalesce(dca."AttributeType",'') = 'bool' and coalesce("BigIntValue"::integer,0) = 1 then substring(coalesce("Value",'|'),0, position('|' in coalesce("Value",'|')))
end), '; ') AS "x"
from "DocumentAdditionalAttribute" atr
join "DocumentCategoryAttributeType" dca on atr."CategoryAttributeType" = dca."VCode"
where t."DocCode" = atr."PCode" and dca."ColumnName" not in ('#bdate#', '#edate#', '#kolvo#'))
*/ null as "AnyColumnI",
case when coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) = 2 and exists (select 1 from "RouteStage" rs
where rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode" and rs."StageNumber" = 1 and rs."Status" = 2 ) then 'Не запущен'
when coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) = 2 and t."StageItemStatus"= 2 and t."StageNumber" > 1
and exists (select 1 from "RouteStage" rs
where rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode"
and isnull(rs."IsMarked",0) = 1
and rs."StageName" in ( 'Исполнить')
and rs."Status"=1) then 'На согласовании / на согл у рук-ля'
when coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) = 3
and not exists (select 1 from "RouteStage" rs
join "StageItem" si on rs."VCode" = si."PCode"
where rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode"
and si."DocumentStatus" in (19,23)) then 'Завершен'
when coalesce(t."RouteStatusId",0) = 3 and exists (select 1 from "RouteStage" rs
join "StageItem" si on rs."VCode" = si."PCode"
where rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode"
and si."DocumentStatus" in (19,23)) then 'Отклонен'
end as "AnyColumnK",
/*( SELECT DISTINCT string_agg(u."Initials"|| '(' || ds."Name"|| ')' , '; ') AS "x"
FROM "RouteStage" as rs
join "StageItem" AS i on i."PCode" = rs."VCode"
join "VUserMeta" AS u ON u."VCode" = i."StageUser"
join "DocumentStatus" AS ds ON ds."VCode" = i."DocumentStatus"
WHERE rs."PCode" = t."RouteVCode"
AND i."StageItemStatus" = 3
and coalesce(i."DocumentStatus",0) <> 0
) */ '' as "AnyColumnL",
case when t."DocType" in ('UniversalDocument','DocumentForSigning') then (select top 1 w."NumTab" from "DocumentCategoryAttributeType" bd
join "DocumentAdditionalAttribute" daa1 on t."DocCode" = daa1."PCode" and daa1."CategoryAttributeType" = bd."VCode" and bd."ColumnName" = '#Worker#'
join "RP_Worker" w on w."VCode" = daa1."BigIntValue"
where t."DocumentCategory" = bd."PCode")
else (select r."NumTab" from "RP_Worker" as r where r."VCode" = t."IdWorker") end as "AnyColumnM",
case when t."DocType" in ('UniversalDocument','DocumentForSigning') then (select top 1 w."NameFull" from "DocumentCategoryAttributeType" bd
join "DocumentAdditionalAttribute" daa1 on t."DocCode" = daa1."PCode" and daa1."CategoryAttributeType" = bd."VCode" and bd."ColumnName" = '#Worker#'
join "RP_Worker" w on w."VCode" = daa1."BigIntValue"
where t."DocumentCategory" = bd."PCode" )
else (select r."NameFull" from "RP_Worker" as r where r."VCode" = t."IdWorker") end as "AnyColumnN",
(select top 1 wr."VCode" from "RP_Worker" wr join "RP_PersonContact" pc on wr."IdPerson"= pc."Pcode" and pc."IdTypeContact" = 6 and pc."Code" = t."StageUser" where wr."COrg" = 4 order by wr."DateBeg" ) as "EmailRecipient",
(select top 1 wr."VCode" from "RP_Worker" wr join "RP_PersonContact" pc on wr."IdPerson"= pc."Pcode" and pc."IdTypeContact" = 6 and pc."Code" = t."StageUser" where wr."COrg" = 4 order by wr."DateBeg" ) as "AnyColumnO"
, 2
from #tmp_preresult t
where t."DocType" not in ('ServiceDesk') and
t."DocumentDate" IS NULL OR t."DocumentDate" BETWEEN @_bdate AND @_edate
select t."DocCode", t."StageUser", -- ur."Role", coalesce(ch.ф"chief",'') as "chief",
case when coalesce(ch."chief",'') <>'' then 'chief_role' else ur."Role" end as "Role",
round(comdoc."dfwcGetDuration"(t."eDate", COALESCE(t."ActionDate", _now::date), false, t."orgId", null, _dayoff1, _dayoff2, null)/60.0/60.0/9, 0) as "expired"
from (select distinct "DocCode", t."StageUser", t."eDate", t."ActionDate",t."orgId" from "tmp_preresult" t where t."DocType" in ('Base.Contract','Base.AdditionalContract')) t
left join "tmp_UserRole" ur on t."StageUser"= ur."login"
left join "tmp_CuserChief" ch on t."StageUser" = ch."chief"
) a
where coalesce(a."expired", 0) > 0
group by a."DocCode", a."Role";
insert into "tmp_finresult"( "DocCode" , "DocType" , "DocForm" , "DocTypeName" , "SettingsId"
, "orgId" , "DocumentDate" , "DocumentNumber" , "VirtualCUser" , "DateOfExecution"
, "DateControl" , "RouteVCode" , "RouteStatusId" , "RouteStatusName" , "DocName"
, "DocSubject" , "expired" , "StageNumber" , "BeginDate" , "ActionDate"
, "DocumentAction" , "DocumentStatus" , "FromMessage" , "eDate", "Department"
, "StageUser" , "StageItemStatus" , "StageStatus" , "StageItemAction" , "DocumentSubtype"
, "AnyColumnA" , "AnyColumnB" , "AnyColumnC" , "AnyColumnD" , "AnyColumnE"
, "AnyColumnF" , "AnyColumnG" , "AnyColumnH" , "AnyColumnI" , "AnyColumnJ"
, "AnyColumnK" , "AnyColumnL" , "AnyColumnM" , "AnyColumnN" , "AnyColumnO"
, "AnyColumnP", "AnyColumnQ" , "AnyColumnR" , "AnyColumnS" , "AnyColumnT"
, "AnyColumnU" , "AnyColumnV" , "AnyColumnW" , "AnyColumnX" , "AnyColumnY"
, "AnyColumnZ" , "AnyColumnAA" , "AnyColumnAB" , "AnyColumnAC" , "AnyColumnAD" , "AnyColumnAE" , "AnyColumnAF"
, "AnyColumnAG" , "AnyColumnAH" , "AnyColumnAI" , "AnyColumnAJ" , "AnyColumnAK" , "AnyColumnAL" , "AnyColumnAM"
, "Colors", "attFilter"
and t."DocType" not in ('ServiceDesk') ;
select distinct t."DocCode" , t."DocType" , t."DocForm" , t."DocTypeName" , t."SettingsId"
, t."orgId" , t."DocumentDate" , t."DocumentNumber" , t."VirtualCUser" , t."DateOfExecution"
, t."DateControl", t."RouteVCode" , t."RouteStatusId" , t."RouteStatusName" , t."DocName"
, t."DocSubject", null::bigint , null::int as "StageNumber" , null::date as "BeginDate" , null::date as "ActionDate"
, null::int as "DocumentAction" ,null::int as "DocumentStatus" , null as"FromMessage" , null::date as "eDate", t."Department"
, null as "StageUser", null::int as "StageItemStatus" , null::int as "StageStatus", null::int as "StageItemAction", t."DocumentSubtype",
"Number" as "AnyColumnA",
"VhodNumber" as "AnyColumnB",
to_char("DateContract", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnC",
to_char("DateBegin", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnD",
to_char("DateEnd", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnE",
null as "AnyColumnF",
case when coalesce("IsDocument",false) = true then 'Да' else 'Нет' end as "AnyColumnG",
"StatusOfContract" as "AnyColumnH",
"Contractor" as "AnyColumnI",
"VTypeContract" as "AnyColumnJ",
"ContractKind1" as "AnyColumnK",
null as "AnyColumnL",
"SumContract" as "AnyColumnM",
"TypePayment" as "AnyColumnN",
"SubjectOfContract" as "AnyColumnO",
null as "AnyColumnP",
to_char("DateAutolong", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnQ",
null as "AnyColumnR",
null as "AnyColumnS",
null as "AnyColumnT",
COALESCE(rst."RouteStatusNm", 'Не запущен') as "AnyColumnU"
, ( SELECT string_agg(r_info."x", ';') FROM
( SELECT 'Этап '||s."StageNumber"||' '||du."Initials"||COALESCE(' '||ds."Name", '')||COALESCE(' '||i."FromMessage", '') AS "x"
FROM comdoc."Route" AS r
JOIN comdoc."RouteStage" AS s ON s."PCode" = r."VCode"
JOIN comdoc."StageItem" AS i ON i."PCode" = s."VCode"
JOIN comdoc."VUserMeta" AS du ON du."VCode" = i."StageUser"
LEFT JOIN comdoc."DocumentStatus" AS ds ON ds."VCode" = i."DocumentStatus"
WHERE r."DocCode" = t."DocCode"
AND r."DocType" = t."DocType"
AND r."RouteStatus" <> 4
ORDER BY s."StageNumber" ASC, i."VCode" ASC
) as r_info ) as "AnyColumnV",
null as "AnyColumnW", --бренд
null as "AnyColumnX", --парал импорт
null as "AnyColumnY", -- с НДС
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='chief_role') as "AnyColumnZ",--просрочено рук
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='bh_financial_services') as "AnyColumnAA",--просрочено фин
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='bh_legal_department') as "AnyColumnAB",--просрочено прав деп
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='bh_purchasing_department') as "AnyColumnAC",--просрочено закупки
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role" like '%ddc%') as "AnyColumnAD", --просрочено ДДЦ
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='bh_contract_administrator') as "AnyColumnAE", --просрочен админ дог
t."DocCode" as "AnyColumnAF"
--надо найти зама
, (SELECT DISTINCT string_agg(x."UserName", ',') FROM
m."LastName" || ' ' || m."FirstName" || ' ' || m. "MiddleName" as "UserName"
--m."UserName", m1."UserName" as "UserName1"
from lex."UserMeta" as m
join lex."OrganizationUser" as ou on m."Id" = ou."User" and coalesce(ou."IsBlocked",false) = false
join lex."Replacement" as rep on ou."Id" = rep."Replacer"
--AND now() between coalesce(rep."BeginDate",now()) AND coalesce(rep."EndDate",now())
and coalesce(rep."BeginDate",now())::date<= "DateEnd"::date and coalesce(rep."EndDate",now())::date>= "DateBegin"::date
join lex."OrganizationUser" as ou1 on rep."Replaceable" = ou1."Id" --and coalesce(ou1."IsBlocked",false) = false
join lex."UserMeta" as m1 on ou1."User" = m1."Id"
where m1."UserName" = t."VirtualCUser"
group by m."LastName" || ' ' || m."FirstName" || ' ' || m. "MiddleName"
-- m."UserName", m1."UserName"
) as x ) ::character varying(1000) AS "AnyColumnAG"
--надо найти руководителя по штатке
(select um."LastName" || ' ' ||um."FirstName" || ' ' ||um."MiddleName" as "UserName"
from comdoc."Department" dep
join rp."RP_Worker" w on dep."Manager" = w."VCode"
join rp."RP_PersonContact" pers on w."IdPerson" = pers."Pcode" and pers."IdTypeContact" = 6
join lex."UserMeta" um on um."UserName" = pers."Code"
where dep."VCode" = (select "Department" from comdoc."DocflowExists" where "VCode" = t."DocCode" and "TypeName" = t."DocType" limit 1) )
AS "AnyColumnAH"
, wi."Dpost" AS "AnyColumnAI", wi."Duvl" AS "AnyColumnAJ"
, c."PaymentMethod" as "AnyColumnAK" , null as "AnyColumnAL" ,
case when coalesce(c."DateAutolong",c."DateEnd",'20701231')::date between now()::date and now()::date + 30::integer
then 'yellow'
when coalesce(c."DateAutolong",c."DateEnd",'20701231')<now()::date
then 'violet'
end as "AnyColumnAM"
, case when coalesce(c."DateAutolong",c."DateEnd",'20701231')::date between now()::date and now()::date + 30::integer
then 3
when coalesce(c."DateAutolong",c."DateEnd",'20701231')<now()::date
then 7
as "Colors"
, ' and "OrigPriznak" is true ' as "attFilter"
/*цвета 1 - colors.gray
2 - colors.orange
3 - colors.yellow
4 - colors.green
5 - colors.blue
6 - colors.indigo
7 -colors.violet*/
from (select distinct t."DocCode" , t."DocType" , t."DocForm" , t."DocTypeName" , t."SettingsId"
, t."orgId" , t."DocumentDate" , t."DocumentNumber" , t."VirtualCUser" , t."DateOfExecution"
, t."DateControl", t."RouteVCode" , t."RouteStatusId" , t."RouteStatusName" , t."DocName"
, t."DocSubject", t."Department", t."DocumentSubtype", t."DocumentCategory"
from "tmp_preresult" t
where t."DocType" in ('Base.Contract')
) t
inner join contract."VContractRegistry" c on t."DocCode" = c."VCode"
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT w."VCode", w."lexLogin", dep."VCode" AS "DepartmentVCode", dep."Name" AS "Department", pos."Name" AS "Position" ,to_char(w."DateBeg",'DD.MM.YYYY') as "Dpost",to_char(w."DateEnd",'DD.MM.YYYY') as "Duvl"
FROM rp."VLookupWorker" AS w
JOIN rp."RP_WorkerMove" AS m ON m."IdWorker" = w."VCode"
LEFT JOIN comdoc."Department" AS dep ON dep."VCode" = m."IdDepartment"
LEFT JOIN rp."RP_Post" AS pos ON pos."VCode" = m."IdPost"
WHERE w."lexLogin" IS NOT NULL
PARTITION BY w."lexLogin"
ORDER BY COALESCE(m."DateEnd", w."DateEnd", '2070-01-01'::date) DESC, m."VCode" DESC
FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS WITH TIES ) --as "workers"
AS wi ON wi."lexLogin" = t."VirtualCUser"
LEFT JOIN LATERAL comdoc."getDocRouteCurrentStatus"(t."DocCode", t."DocType") AS rst ON true
--where c."DateContract" BETWEEN _bdate AND _edate
/*union all
select distinct t."DocCode" , t."DocType" , t."DocForm" , t."DocTypeName" , t."SettingsId"
, t."orgId" , t."DocumentDate" , t."DocumentNumber" , t."VirtualCUser" , t."DateOfExecution"
, t."DateControl", t."RouteVCode" , t."RouteStatusId" , t."RouteStatusName" , t."DocName"
, t."DocSubject", null::bigint , null::int as "StageNumber" , null::date as "BeginDate" , null::date as "ActionDate"
, null::int as "DocumentAction" ,null::int as "DocumentStatus" , null as"FromMessage" , null::date as "eDate", t."Department"
, null as "StageUser", null::int as "StageItemStatus" , null::int as "StageStatus", null::int as "StageItemAction", t."DocumentSubtype",
ds."Number" as "AnyColumnA",
c."VhodNumber"as "AnyColumnB",
to_char(c."DateContract", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnC",
to_char(ds."DateBegin", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnD",
to_char(ds."DateEnd", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnE",
to_char(ds."DateSignUp", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnF",
case when coalesce(ds."IsDocument",false) = true then 'Да' else 'Нет' end as "AnyColumnG",
ds."StatusOfContractName" as "AnyColumnH",
ds."ContractorName" as "AnyColumnI",
c."VTypeContract" as "AnyColumnJ",
c."ContractKind1" as "AnyColumnK",
c."ContractCategory" as "AnyColumnL",
ds."SumWithVAT" as "AnyColumnM",
c."TypePayment" as "AnyColumnN",
ds."SubjectOfContract" as "AnyColumnO",
c."Autolong" as "AnyColumnP",
to_char(c."DateAutolong", 'DD.MM.YYYY' ) as "AnyColumnQ",
c."TypicalForm" as "AnyColumnR",
c."ContractBasis" as "AnyColumnS",
c."CompanyListName" as "AnyColumnT",
COALESCE(rst."RouteStatusNm", 'Не запущен') as "AnyColumnU"
, ( SELECT string_agg(r_info."x", ';') FROM
( SELECT 'Этап '||s."StageNumber"||' '||du."Initials"||COALESCE(' '||ds."Name", '')||COALESCE(' '||i."FromMessage", '') AS "x"
FROM comdoc."Route" AS r
JOIN comdoc."RouteStage" AS s ON s."PCode" = r."VCode"
JOIN comdoc."StageItem" AS i ON i."PCode" = s."VCode"
JOIN comdoc."VUserMeta" AS du ON du."VCode" = i."StageUser"
LEFT JOIN comdoc."DocumentStatus" AS ds ON ds."VCode" = i."DocumentStatus"
WHERE r."DocCode" = t."DocCode"
AND r."DocType" = t."DocType"
AND r."RouteStatus" <> 4
ORDER BY s."StageNumber" ASC, i."VCode" ASC
) as r_info ) as "AnyColumnV",
c."BrendName" as "AnyColumnW", --бренд
c."ParalelImportName" as "AnyColumnX", --парал импорт
case when coalesce(c."WithNDS",false) = true then 'С НДС' else 'Без НДС' end as "AnyColumnY", -- с НДС
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='chief_role') as "AnyColumnZ",--просрочено рук
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='chief_role') as "AnyColumnAA",--просрочено фин
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='bh_legal_department') as "AnyColumnAB",--просрочено прав деп
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='chief_role') as "AnyColumnAC",--просрочено закупки
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='chief_role') as "AnyColumnAD", --просрочено ДДЦ
(select "maxexpired" from "tmp_ExpiredRole" er where t."DocCode" = er."DocCode" and "Role"='bh_contract_administrator') as "AnyColumnAE", --просрочен админ дог
t."DocCode" as "AnyColumnAF"
--надо найти зама
, (SELECT DISTINCT string_agg(x."UserName", ',') FROM
m."LastName" || ' ' || m."FirstName" || ' ' || m. "MiddleName" as "UserName"
--m."UserName", m1."UserName" as "UserName1"
from lex."UserMeta" as m
join lex."OrganizationUser" as ou on m."Id" = ou."User" and coalesce(ou."IsBlocked",false) = false
join lex."Replacement" as rep on ou."Id" = rep."Replacer"
--AND now() between coalesce(rep."BeginDate",now()) AND coalesce(rep."EndDate",now())
and coalesce(rep."BeginDate",now())::date<= c."DateEnd"::date and coalesce(rep."EndDate",now())::date>= c."DateBegin"
join lex."OrganizationUser" as ou1 on rep."Replaceable" = ou1."Id" --and coalesce(ou1."IsBlocked",false) = false
join lex."UserMeta" as m1 on ou1."User" = m1."Id"
where m1."UserName" = t."VirtualCUser"
group by m."LastName" || ' ' || m."FirstName" || ' ' || m. "MiddleName"
-- m."UserName", m1."UserName"
) as x ) ::character varying(1000) AS "AnyColumnAG"
--надо найти руководителя по штатке
(select um."LastName" || ' ' ||um."FirstName" || ' ' ||um."MiddleName" as "UserName"
from comdoc."Department" dep
join rp."RP_Worker" w on dep."Manager" = w."VCode"
join rp."RP_PersonContact" pers on w."IdPerson" = pers."Pcode" and pers."IdTypeContact" = 6
join lex."UserMeta" um on um."UserName" = pers."Code"
where dep."VCode" = (select "Department" from comdoc."DocflowExists" where "VCode" = t."DocCode" and "TypeName" = t."DocType" limit 1) )
AS "AnyColumnAH"
, wi."Dpost" AS "AnyColumnAI", wi."Duvl" AS "AnyColumnAJ"
, c."PaymentMethod" as "AnyColumnAK" , c."SumAddContractWithoutVAT" as "AnyColumnAL" ,
null as "AnyColumnAM"
, null as "Colors"
from (select distinct t."DocCode" , t."DocType" , t."DocForm" , t."DocTypeName" , t."SettingsId"
, t."orgId" , t."DocumentDate" , t."DocumentNumber" , t."VirtualCUser" , t."DateOfExecution"
, t."DateControl", t."RouteVCode" , t."RouteStatusId" , t."RouteStatusName" , t."DocName"
, t."DocSubject", t."Department", t."DocumentSubtype", t."DocumentCategory"
from "tmp_preresult" t
where t."DocType" in ('Base.AdditionalContract')
) t
inner join contract."VAdditionalContractRegistry" ds on t."DocCode" =ds."VCode"
inner join contract."VContractRegistry" c on ds."Contract" = c."VCode"
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT w."VCode", w."lexLogin", dep."VCode" AS "DepartmentVCode", dep."Name" AS "Department", pos."Name" AS "Position" ,to_char(w."DateBeg",'DD.MM.YYYY') as "Dpost",to_char(w."DateEnd",'DD.MM.YYYY') as "Duvl"
FROM rp."VLookupWorker" AS w
JOIN rp."RP_WorkerMove" AS m ON m."IdWorker" = w."VCode"
LEFT JOIN comdoc."Department" AS dep ON dep."VCode" = m."IdDepartment"
LEFT JOIN rp."RP_Post" AS pos ON pos."VCode" = m."IdPost"
WHERE w."lexLogin" IS NOT NULL
PARTITION BY w."lexLogin"
ORDER BY COALESCE(m."DateEnd", w."DateEnd", '2070-01-01'::date) DESC, m."VCode" DESC
FETCH FIRST 1 ROWS WITH TIES ) --as "workers"
AS wi ON wi."lexLogin" = t."VirtualCUser"
LEFT JOIN LATERAL comdoc."getDocRouteCurrentStatus"(t."DocCode", t."DocType") AS rst ON true
-- where c."DateContract" BETWEEN _bdate AND _edate
Reference in New Issue