diff --git a/docs/Admin manuals/Функции планировщика задач/index.md b/docs/Admin manuals/Функции планировщика задач/index.md
index 3ff1b4e..da4c692 100644
--- a/docs/Admin manuals/Функции планировщика задач/index.md
+++ b/docs/Admin manuals/Функции планировщика задач/index.md
@@ -507,4 +507,57 @@ search:
call comdoc."PostToSendLog"();
+ ```
+### Уведомление о просрочке предоставления ответа на входящие документы
+??? Задача
+ ```sql
+ with param as (select COALESCE(comdoc."getFilial"(), 2) as "getFilial",
+ comdoc."fnDefineRegion"(null::bigint, comdoc."getFilial"()::bigint, now()::date) as "Region")
+ insert into "#forInsNotification" ("DocflowUser", "txt", "Link", "DocType", "DocName", "DocSubject", "IdWorker")
+ select (SELECT DISTINCT string_agg(x."EMail", ',')
+ from (select distinct du."EMail"--,da."Name", da."InternalName" AS "DocumentAction" ,da.*
+ FROM comdoc."Route" AS a
+ JOIN comdoc."RouteStage" AS s ON s."PCode" = a."VCode"
+ join comdoc."StageItem" as i on i."PCode" = s."VCode"
+ LEFT JOIN comdoc."DocumentAction" AS da ON da."VCode" = i."DocumentAction"
+ LEFT JOIN comdoc."DocflowUser" AS du ON du."VCode" = i."StageUser"
+ WHERE s."IsMarked" IS NOT true
+ and a."DocCode" = Incoming."VCode"
+ and a."DocType" = 'IncomingDocument'
+ and (da."InternalName" like 'Execute%' or da."InternalName" = 'Run')
+ )x
+ )as "DocflowUser",
+ '
По документу |
' ||
+ '' ||
+ ''||'Входящий документ №'||coalesce(Incoming."DocumentNumber",'')||'' || ' | '
+ ||'
' ||''||' не предоставлен ответ. Срок: '|| to_char("ResponseDatePlan"::date, 'DD.MM.YYYY')|| ' |
' as "txt",
+ null::bigint as "Link",
+ null as "DocType",
+ '' as "DocName", --это для физ уведомления
+ 'Входящие документы с истекающей датой предоставления ответа'::text as "DocSubject",
+ null::bigint as "IdWorker" --это для физ уведомления;
+ from dfd."DocflowDocument" Incoming
+ cross join (select "LocationProtocol" || '//' || "LocationHostName" as "link_txt" from comdoc."DocflowSettings") ss
+ left join comdoc."DocflowDocumentSettings" AS dds ON dds."DocType" = Incoming."TypeName"
+ where Incoming."TypeName" = 'IncomingDocument'
+ and "ResponseDatePlan" is not null
+ --and comdoc."datediff"('day',"ResponseDatePlan",CURRENT_DATE)>3
+ and "NeedResponse" =true
+ and coalesce((select count(*)
+ from comdoc."VDocflowCalendar" d
+ cross join param p
+ where ((d."RDate" between CURRENT_DATE and "ResponseDatePlan" and "ResponseDatePlan">CURRENT_DATE) )
+ and d."isDayOff" = false
+ and ((d."orgId" = p."getFilial" and coalesce(p."Region",0) =0 ) or d."Region" = p."Region")),0)<4
+ and not exists(select "DocCode1"
+ from comdoc."DocflowLink" l
+ where l."DocCode2" = Incoming."VCode"
+ and "DocType2" = 'IncomingDocument'
+ and "DocType1" = 'OutgoingDocument'
+ )
\ No newline at end of file